Yes, replacing a radiator during the heating season can be a challenge, but it is possible! There are ways of dealing with this depending on the technology and the condition of the building. Let's consider three scenarios that are possible in your environment.
1. You are the lucky owner of a valve that allows you to shut off the installation.
2. Unfortunately, you do not have the valve in question and the system has not been modernised. You are draining the heating medium.
3. and a method that will help you minimise image damage, among your nearest neighbours - Freezing the pipes.
The valve for shutting off the central heating system is a key element in modern heating systems or those that have undergone modernisation. Regardless of whether a thermostatic valve, control valve or shut-off valve is fitted to the radiators, it is possible to replace the radiator without draining the central heating system. Remember, valves are fitted at various points around the radiator to regulate the flow of the heating medium through the aforementioned heat exchanger.
The whole idea is that you can isolate the radiator from the central heating system without draining the whole system, and this is thanks to the valves. This solution not only saves time, but also minimises disruption to residents and reduces the risk of additional faults or leaks during the replacement process.
Draining the heating medium from the entire central heating system is sometimes unavoidable, especially in older buildings with unmodernised systems or old interlocked valves.
Situations where the entire system or one of the risers needs to be drained of the heating medium can be due to a number of factors, which can be challenging and generate some difficulties. In older structures, especially those with decades-old installations where the risers run through all floors, draining the heating medium from one of the risers or the entire system is a necessity.
The process of draining the heating medium from the central heating system involves a number of inconveniences. Neighbours may be deprived of heating for several hours, which is a discomfort. Installations when drained and refilled may reveal further faults and leaks, requiring additional repairs. Contact between steel pipes and air when the installation is drained accelerates the corrosion process, this can lead to further problems in the future.
These difficulties require planning and preparation when replacing or repairing a radiator. This is important for the comfort of the occupants and to minimise the risk of additional faults occurring during the radiator replacement process.
Check what the CONNECTIONS AND VALVES are..
Freezing the pipes when replacing radiators is an effective method that allows this to be done without draining the entire installation. The procedure involves creating an ice pivot inside the pipe that completely blocks the flow of water.
This is particularly helpful when draining the installation is problematic, especially during the heating season.If you decide to carry out this procedure, seek the assistance of someone with experience. Performing this procedure incorrectly can lead to flooding of the flat, so it is advisable to be careful and considerate.
As you can see, replacing a radiator during the heating season depends on your individual circumstances.
Remember to consult a professional, especially if you have doubts about the installation in your area. You have the right not to know what heating medium is in your system, what valves you have and which method of replacing the radiator in your home, will be optimal.
When obtaining this information from the building supervisor, obtain the appropriate approvals for replacing the radiator or installation. If you fail to do so, you can be fined heavily. The building inspector also has the right to order the property to be restored to its original state. The heating system is managed by the building owner, i.e. the housing association or cooperative. For this reason, any work, even minor work, in this area must be agreed with them.
When replacing a radiator, think about enriching the heating system with an electric heater. IS IT WORTH IT?